Wednesday, 10 April 2013

7 Fakta Anda Patut Tahu Tentang Pasaran Halal

Segala fakta yang akan dikongsi sebentar lagi kebanyakannya merujuk kepada laporan bertulis bertajuk "Global Muslim Lifestyle Travel Market 2012:Landscape& Consumer Needs Study For Airlines, Destinations & Hotels/Resorts"  yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinar Standard dan Crescent Rating.

Do You Know That?

  1. Muslim tourism market as a whole is larger than the largest spending tourist market in the world -Germany-and almost twice that of China's in 2011
  2. By 2020 it is estimates that the total Muslim tourists' expenditure to be $192 billion representing 13.36% of global tourism expenditure.
  3. The top Outbound Muslim tourism source country is Saudi Arabia($23.8 bill in outbound tourism expenditure), followed by Iran,UAE,Indonesia and Kuwait based on 2011 data.
  4. Based on the number of trips, the top destinations for Muslim tourists are:
           i) Malaysia
           iii) UAE
           iv) Singapore
           v) Russia
           vi) China
           vii) France
           viii) Thailand
            x) Italy
5. Important things to be considered by the service provider
    i)  Halal Food (67%)
    ii) Overall Price (53%)
    iii) Muslim Friendly Experience (39%

6.  Use experience and needs for Airlines  
     i)  comfortable seating
     ii) Ease of praying before, during and after flight
     iii) Islamic reading/audio
     iv) Entertainments
     v) Halal Food Options
     vi) Cleans bathrooms and overall environment
     vii) Friendly hospitality and service
     vii) Non-alcoholic beverages options

7.  Best practices and recommendations
     i)  Airline
Emirates, Saudi, Malaysia, Thai Airways

     ii) Hotels/Resorts
Al-Jawhara UAE, Amer Group Egypt, De Palma Group Malaysia, Hotel Orient India,others from Turkey, Thailand and Singapore

     iii) Destinations
Munich Airport, Thailand, Australia Gold Coast, Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey and others

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